Get Up Early

Get Up Early

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Should you join the 5am club?

Many high-powered executives, entrepreneurs, and other successful people wake up early so they can use the undisturbed “me time” for whatever they wish.

Some of them include:

  • Richard Branson, who reportedly gets up at 5.45am
  • LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner wakes at 5.30am
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up at 3.45am
  • Oprah gets up at 6am
  • Disney CEO Bob Iger reportedly gets up at 4:15am

Reportedly 50% of self-made millionaires and 90% of executives get up before 6 am. Even if you’re not aiming to be the next CEO of Apple, getting out of bed earlier offers too many benefits to overlook.

Waking up early is great for clearing the mind with exercise or meditation, strategic thinking, planning, or getting practical things done to set you up for a great day.  

Here’s how getting up early and incorporating a morning routine can help you start your day with purpose.

‍A positive mindset

Early risers have more time in their day, and because of this, they tend to accomplish more. This leads to feelings of fulfilment and positivity.

Waking up doesn’t have to be tough, try jumping out of bed each morning with something that you are excited to start the day for. It may be as simple as thinking about the healthy breakfast you will prepare, your first coffee of the day, or how lucky you are to be able to take advantage of a couple more hours of daylight.

Waking up early gives you a chance to work on personal projects, or take much-needed “me time” before going into the office or starting work.

Win the morning, win the day

If you have children or live with others, you can use early mornings to enjoy time to yourself and have a relaxing, quiet morning routine.

For people who work in the mornings, you can skip the aggravating commute to work and get there before peak traffic by waking up a little earlier. Getting to work sooner also gives you time to complete tasks before others arrive and potentially distract you.

‍A clear mind

The best time to do meditation is just after waking up as the mind remains empty and this makes it easier to concentrate. The deep breathing in and out which comes from meditation is beneficial for your entire body.

Meditation helps you to create balance, alleviate feelings of stress or anxiety, and gain power over your mind. It even strengthens your immune system.

Meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting cross-legged on a hessian pillow with your fingers in Mudra, it can simply be taking a moment to breathe in and out, feel grateful for what you have, and relax your body and mind to tackle the day ahead.

‍A head start on the day

Ever wondered why some people always find the time to do things like going to the gym, socialising after work, making a healthy packed lunch and engaging in career-boosting activities like taking a short course?

It’s probably because they have given themselves a few extra hours to do it by getting up earlier than the rest of us.


Morning people are more proactive, studies have shown. Being proactive is defined as “the willingness and ability to take action and change a situation to [your] advantage” and is a skill considerably more predominant in those who get up early, says renowned biology professor, Christoph Randler.


The early bird catches the worm.

Worms are hardly an incentive for humans to get up early unless you’re heading out to fish and hoping for some bait! Still, waking up early does have some perks.

How you wake up sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you start your day at the right time with the right attitude you will feel good for the rest of the day.

Having that extra time in the morning allows for a clear head when planning your day and a little bit of extra time to get things done before all the emails and distractions begin.

It’s not just about time either, there are fewer distractions at that time of day, which helps promote clarity of thought, and the ability to focus on any priority matters which need to be dealt with.

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